The Journey – Part 1

What an Incredible Ride A Blog Series by Michael and Denie Riggs Michael and Denie Riggs invite you on our journey as we celebrate 25 years since we became a corporation. We will be sharing an accumulation of the visions that we have carried over the last 25 years. These visions, when fulfilled, will offer something for everyone who ever …

Perfect Praise Music ~ 25 Years of Incredible Memories!

SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM AND LEAVE COMMENTS. SHARE YOUR PICTURES WITH US BY EMAILING TO US HERE.  Past, Present … and Future by Michael Riggs, President, Perfect Praise, Inc. Although Denie Riggs and I (Michael) have been teaching most of our adult lives, our incorporated business began 25 years ago this summer. Since July 1996, Early Childhood Music and …

Raising Up Future Leaders

Raising Up Future Leaders … a Testimony from a Mom of 3 prior Early Childhood Music Students … (This testimony has been edited only to remove names and location.) We want to send a warm hello from the (our family).  We still think of you often, every time I dust the bookshelves and see the music books from our classes …

The Surprising Benefits of Playing the Guitar

Hi everyone, This article was sent to me by Mr. Terry Stefan of and granted permission for me to share it with you. While researchers say that the piano is the number one enhancer of brain function because of reading two clefs at the same time, the guitar also has amazing benefits. I was especially excited about the information …

17 Reasons to Study Piano with Perfect Praise Music

17 Reasons to Study Piano with Perfect Praise Music by Denie Riggs Founding Director For over 25 years, we have been trumpeting the benefits of playing the piano.  Today, piano benefit documentation is well-know and strong.  There are tons of great piano teachers both in our local area and world-wide. So why should you choose us, Perfect Praise Music and …

Why Should Babies/ Toddlers Take Music Lessons?

Should Babies/Toddlers Take Music Lessons? By Michael Riggs President, Perfect Praise Inc. Why should babies/toddlers take music lessons? There are many reasons to have babies participate in music class. Our program at Perfect Praise Music includes the piano even in our baby/toddler classes. The piano is the number one instrument for brain function enhancement, giving benefits way beyond other musical …

What is Your Pursuit in Music?

What is Your Pursuit in Music? by Michael David Riggs President, Perfect Praise Inc. “Your playing is anointed. That’s not something I can teach you. That’s something the Holy Spirit has to do – He puts that on your music when your life and your music please Him. He breaths on your music and causes it to affect other people …

Let God Restore the Tabernacle of David in You

Let God Restore the Tabernacle of David in You by Michael David Riggs President, Perfect Praise Inc. It was probably in 2004 that I heard for the first time anyone say that we should be moving, portable arks of the covenant. What an amazing statement! What a true statement! When Jesus walked this earth that’s exactly what He was… He …

tabernacle of david

Pavilion of Praise

Pavilion of Praise What could hurt God? I asked that question to a group of young guitar students recently and they immediately thought I was asking what could hurt God’s feelings, or bring Him sadness emotionally. But that is not my question. My question is what could hurt God? What could harm Him or do Him damage? The answer is… …

Special Needs Piano Lessons

Are We Aware? Music Can Heal Autism!

It’s Autism Awareness Month … Are We Aware? by Mrs. Denie Riggs Music can heal autism. I cringe to even be so bold as to speak those words.  Yet we know what we have witnessed in our students across the last twenty years. It’s Autism Awareness Month.  Are we aware? Recently, while setting up our school’s  window showcase,  I wrote “Autism …